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Why most successful people don't go to college| Smart Talks |

"IS COLLEGE WORTH IT?" It's one of those topics that every student at one point wonders upon. College can be a good source of education but surely it's not the only source of knowledge in today's world. The world has advanced so much that it's really easy to get knowledge on basically any topic. So for my short readers, my opinion is  NO COLLEGES TODAY ARE NOT WORTH THE PRICE FOR MOST OF THE PEOPLE. But for my long readers, Stick with me as I write my opinions more on this topic. Let's break it all down real quick: HOW IT ALL STARTED? To understand the worth of colleges let's understand when and why it all started. Colleges were invented in America in 1636 and for the sole purpose of creating only EMPLOYEES . Big businesses required well-educated workers for their companies. So that's how Colleges were "invented". Unfortunately, many people haven't been able to break away from all this paradigm and that's why colleges still thrive...
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From being in an abusive environment to a successful entrepreneur | Alpha m and Beerbiceps | Podcast Review 1

Welcome to the first blog in the "Podcast review" series. I'll be reviewing here some intellectual and deep podcasts for our smart listeners. Here's my first review on Beerbiceps and Alpha m Podcast.