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Why most successful people don't go to college| Smart Talks |


It's one of those topics that every student at one point wonders upon. College can be a good source of education but surely it's not the only source of knowledge in today's world. The world has advanced so much that it's really easy to get knowledge on basically any topic.

So for my short readers, my opinion is 


But for my long readers, Stick with me as I write my opinions more on this topic.

Let's break it all down real quick:


To understand the worth of colleges let's understand when and why it all started. Colleges were invented in America in 1636 and for the sole purpose of creating only EMPLOYEES. Big businesses required well-educated workers for their companies. So that's how Colleges were "invented".
Unfortunately, many people haven't been able to break away from all this paradigm and that's why colleges still thrive.


College as an investment depends upon what your goal or passion is. For someone pursuing a blue-collar job like Engineer, Doctor, or Lawyer It's a pretty good investment. These jobs mostly can't be learned without a college degree. And also many high paying companies recruit someone based on their degree. But also keep in mind, Colleges consume 4 years of your life and mostly burdens you with debt.
So make sure you get well paid blue-collar job after you graduate. Else it's gonna get really difficult to live with that debt. We are also gonna get on this topic a little later.

For someone whose pursuing entrepreneurship or wants to start his or her own business, I don't believe colleges are that much worth in terms of education. For sure they provide a good opportunity to network with many people but networking is only worthwhile if the people around you are very smart. I mean like really "SMART" and that kind of network you can only build in top colleges like Standford, Havard, etc.

Who knows the person you're having lunch with right now might become a top CEO of a big company.

Going to College after High School is a very normal thing

Believe it or not, Most people think that attending college after their high school is a "normal" thing everyone has to follow. But the fact is College isn't for everyone and that's completely fine. Go learn some skills and do a job before coming to college. Don't just dive in straight and you will notice a change in your perspective regarding the college. You'll see how hard it's to make a single buck and how easy it's for the government to take it in one form or another.


Honestly, It's one of the stupidest things I hear every often. College can't guarantee you success in terms of money and that's for sure. Anyone who tells you that is just being plain stupid.

Here are the words of Andrew Carnegie, one of America's richest man-

"A College education unfits rather than fits men to affairs"

Here's what ELON MUSK has to say about College-

“I think college is basically for fun and to prove that you can do your chores, but they’re not for learning,”

The truth is many successful people didn't attend college but still they were successful in their own field and earned tons of money. Shakespeare didn't go to college, Mark Zukerberg, Bill Gates dropped out of college but still they are very successful in the things they do.

Formal Education vs Self Education

While it's true education matters and no one can debate that but it's equally true that the type of education you receive matters the most.

Formal education fills your mind with lots of knowledge, facts, and information but it's doesn't teach us how to apply that information in our real life. Often we are filled with many formulae which we in most cases have no use in our later life. Communication and many other social skills are not even taught in colleges which a person will use later in life.

One single quality that was found within the most successful people was that they were constantly self-educating themselves every day. They read books, learned new things, attended online courses. They never stopped improving themselves and that's one of the most important factors why some people succeed and why some not.

4 years of life and a massive debt

We all agree that colleges come at a price and a price not too cheap. In fact, most of them put students under huge debt which makes it difficult to enjoy life. Income remains constant while the interest keeps doubling up. You spend your 4 years on an "investment" that ultimately gives you no return.

Who in his sane mind would do that! 


So, in conclusion, I just want you to follow these two steps before making any final decision-
  1. Decide what goals you want to achieve in your life and then decide how a college fit in that goal
  2. Delay college for a year if you still haven't decided on your goal.

Don't be dumb, Play it smart.




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